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Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is open on Monday—Friday

from 7.30am 

 at Birdlip Village Hall


 We offer 
A choice of cereal

Toast (with choice of spreads)

(No Peanut butter)

Fruit Juice / water

      Games, activities, books

         Drawing, construction and more

See Fee's Page for prices

Breakfast Club is ideal for those busy parents, who wish to drop their children off at school early

We will provide a healthy Breakfast and activities, keep them safe, until the start of their school day

Fill out the attached Registration and Booking form 

to secure your booking

Registration  forms must be completed before Child may attend 

Bookings must be made in advance, late bookings may be available, subject to places already booked. 

Payment to be made with booking. 

Terms & conditions apply

Breakfast Club: Locations

07914 091427

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